Haokun (Sam) Sun


I am a PhD candidate in Applied Economics & Management (Finance Field) at SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University. 

My research focuses on Financial Intermediation, Corporate Finance, Political Economy, and Contract Theory. 

I publish under my Chinese name, Haokun Sun (pronounced "How-come Sun"); I often go by Sam.

I am on the 2024-25 job market.

CV | Email 

Job Market Paper

Institutions had divergent preferences for benchmarks based on their funding structure. Replacing a financial benchmark causes distributional consequences for both the supply and demand sides of the loan market.

Award: Midwest Finance Association (MFA) Outstanding PhD Student Paper Award

Presentations: CES NA Annual Meeting (sched.), Cornell Econ Alumni Workshop, Cornell Finance, Dalhousie University, EFA Annual Meeting (sched.), Florida State University, FMA Doctoral Student Consortium, Imperial College London,  MFA PhD Symposium, Nanyang Technological University, Peking University, SAIF, Singapore Management University, Tsinghua University, University of Alberta, University of Arizona, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Joint IO-Finance), Virginia Tech.

Other Papers

"Contractual innovation and the evolution of boilerplate in credit agreements", with Justin Murfin, Reject and Resubmit, Journal of Financial Economics (first-time submission)

Contracts have grown longer, more complex, but more standardized, with small banks driving innovation in the language.

Presentations: CICF, Dartmouth College, Kansas University, Northeastern University, Peking University,  Queen’s University, Southern Methodist University, University of Georgia, University of Maryland, University of Miami, University of South Carolina, University of Texas-Austin.

Standing committee members coordinately promote their connected candidates, subject to a majority rule that changes across the presidency.

Presentations: ASSA Annual Meeting, APSA Annual Meeting, Cornell 100 Years of Economic Development, Peking University, University of Chicago, International Economic Association World Congress

Rating agencies can create a focal point for investors, prompting behavior that makes the ratings right in retrospect. Previously titled "Follow me, I will be right".

Presentations: Cornell Development, Economic Modeling Conference 2021

Teaching Experiences

Teaching Assistant, Cornell University, 2019-24

Lecture Material Organizer, London School of Economics, 2017

Teaching Assistant, Dalhousie University, 2016

Conferences & Seminars

2025: CES Annual Meeting (sched.), EFA Annual Meeting (sched.), Florida State University, Imperial College London, MFA PhD Symposium (sched.), Nanyang Technological University, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Singapore Management University, University of Alberta, University of Arizona 

2024: CICF, Cornell Econ Alumni Workshop, Cornell Finance, Dalhousie University, FMA Doctoral Student Consortium, Peking University, Tsinghua University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UW-Madison (Joint IO-Finance), Virginia Tech

2023: APSA Annual Meeting, Cornell GSA, Cornell TWIPS, Peking University 

2022: ASSA Annual Meeting, Cornell 100 Years of Economic Development, Cornell GSA 

2021: UChicago CCSRG, Peking University, Cornell Development Workshop, IEA World Congress 

2015: World Bank, SGPE Annual Conference in Crieff


Better than Human? Experiments with AI Debt Collectors, by James Choi, Dong Huang, Zhishu Yang, and Qi Zhang, CICF 2024


Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Modelling, China Economic Review

fun facts

Uber Rating 4.98/5.00 after 100+ rides (as a passenger)